Laura is a confident and enthusiastic public speaker who regularly shares her skills and insight with attendees around the world.

Laura is an award winning innovator and service designer with extensive experience in employing human-centred design to solve complex challenges and develop successful products, services and campaigns. Her problem-solving career spans fundraising, international development, healthcare and political campaigns.

Laura speaks about:

  • how to nurture, test and grow new ideas

  • tools and methods for innovation

  • creative problem solving

  • creative methods of measurement and impact

  • how to facilitate productive conversations

Training and Workshops

Trained herself by Google, and a founding member of the Charity Innovation Network, Laura has delivered design and innovation training to over 150 non-profits globally. She also delivers training and keynotes to groups working on socially impactful causes.

Laura offers a range of training across design and innovation topics, and can tailor these to your bespoke requirements.

Educational Talks

Laura delivers talks in her areas of specialism and her experience applying those skills - such as her TEDx talk on how to use facilitation skills to make others more receptive to your arguments.
She speaks practically and with honest examples about her experience in innovation and service design - her talks are especially relevant for colleagues in similar roles, and for students embarking on similar career pathways.